A while back we put up an article announcing our super eclectic American Pulps playlist on Spotify. Well it’s got two followers and I’m one of them so apparently you guys don’t care to much about our music. That’s cool, but we put together some other playlists and we might as well let you know about them.
We already wrote about our Sopranos playlist, featuring all the songs I could find on Spotify featured in the show. We’ve also got a playlist featuring songs that are Noir-ish. Either they’re Jazz songs that belong in a Film Noir or it’s a song about crime, murder, and the like. Song’s like Bruce Springsteen’s Atlantic City and Big L’s Casualties of a Dice Game are on there.

But today is Funk Friday, and that’s why we’re showcasing our Funk Friday playlist. I can’t take credit for Funk Friday. When I used to live in Massachusetts I’d listen to Toucher and Rich on the Sports Hub and they’d play a funk song on Friday bumping in and out of commercials.
I’ve also got to say, when I was in college I worked security at some venues like the DCU Center in Worcester, MA and Comcast Theatre (now apparently the XFINITY Theatre) in Hartford, CT. During this job I worked a lot of hockey games and Disney on Ice but I also worked a ton of concerts. It was a great college job.
Anyway, The Gathering of the Vibes Music Festival in Bridgeport Connecticut was one such security job I worked. It was a three day festival and I was introduced to a lot of bands I’d never heard of. One such band was Deep Banana Blackout and they killed it. I was a fan after I saw them on stage. I also saw George Clinton and Parliament there, one of the dudes on the horns was wearing a diaper. It was wild.
Anyway, if you like this let us know. We’ll take requests if you’re into that sort of thing. But judging by the American Pulps playlist, you’re probably not.
Take us higher Fred!