It’s probably the best Clown Room in Los Angeles, definitely the best Clown Room in Thai Town. The best way to describe this Hollywood Institution is Burlesque Suicide Girls doing Cirque du Soleil style acrobatics on a stripper pole to music that ranges from Bowie to Rage Against the Machine.
The girls pick their music off a jukebox and I’ve heard Fleetwood Mac, Iggy and the Stooges, Nirvana you name it. One time the jukebox stopped working and the crowd just slow clapped while the girl danced, it’s an experience.
Like most dives, the drinks are cheap and strong and the clientele is mixed. Buy one of their black T-Shirts so you can go as a Grip for Halloween next year. Because nothing says “Show Blacks” like a Jumbo’s Shirt.
Oh, did I mention Courtney Love used to work there in the 90s? Pre-Hole and Pre-Curt. She did.