Lupin on Netflix

I may or may not be late in the game here, but I just binged Lupin on Netflix and I loved it. It took me two sittings to burn through the French Heist/Mystery/Thriller starring Omar Sy. If you haven’t heard of it, here’s the trailer: I have to admit, I hate watching poorly dubbed foreign… Continue reading Lupin on Netflix

Vintage Christmas Ads & An Eggnog Recipe

It’s 1964 and Sterling Cooper Draper Pryce is limping into ’65 in serious financial trouble. They want to have a laid back Christmas party, well they have to have a laid back party because the budget can’t account for anything else. But Roger Sterling finds out that the heir to the Lucky Strike throne, Lee Garner,… Continue reading Vintage Christmas Ads & An Eggnog Recipe

Creepshow is Back! On Shudder September 26th

In 1982 Creepshow the horror anthology film debuted. Directed by George Romero and written by Stephen King it was a massive influence on the American Pulps team. A second anthology film directed by Romero and based on King stories came out in 1987 as well. And now, after 32 years Creepshow is back. This looks awesome, we’re really… Continue reading Creepshow is Back! On Shudder September 26th

Happy Independence Day

Today we’re celebrating not only the 243rd anniversary of declaring our independence from the crown, it’s American Pulps first birthday. That’s right, one year ago today we changed our name from Shit Show Pulps to American Pulps. To celebrate both our nation and film, I’m going to talk about a documentary on Netflix I just… Continue reading Happy Independence Day

Murder by Gaslight

The Victorian Era Murder Mystery or Murder by Gaslight genre has its roots in the pulp rags of the Gilded Age when Penny Dreadfuls were all the rage. It was of course, during this time that Jack the Ripper preyed on the women of Whitechapel and the wealth disparity was ripe for corruption and desperation.… Continue reading Murder by Gaslight

What To Watch Now That Game of Thrones is Over

Alright, I’m gonna come right out and say that I know there’s a million other awesome shows out there. There’s a reason TV Critics are saying we’re living in the Second Golden Age of Television. Some honorable mentions to this list are The Man in the High Castle, Stranger Things, Mr. Mercedes, Silicon Valley, Sneaky… Continue reading What To Watch Now That Game of Thrones is Over

The Soprano’s Turns 20

The Sopranos turns 20 this week (it first aired January 10, 1999). Yeah, we feel old too. To think that Paulie “Walnuts” Gualtieri got poison ivy killing Mikey “Grab Bag” Palmice 20 years ago this year. Saying The Sopranos was a massive influence on the American Pulps team would be a huge understatement. If it’s not the… Continue reading The Soprano’s Turns 20

The art of Mad Men, a moving McGinnis painting

OK, we love Mad Men. It’s a classic TV show with very rich, well written characters set in a time period that we at American Pulps are very much into. I can’t say much about the show that hasn’t already been said. It’s been off the air for three years now and it’s been picked… Continue reading The art of Mad Men, a moving McGinnis painting