Drink Like A Character: The Don Draper Old Fashioned

It’s not called old for nothing, this is likely one of the earliest North American cocktails with it first being referenced in 1806 (that’s during Thomas Jefferson’s administration. That’s old).

Aside from Don Draper, this was one of Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s favorite drinks, along with the Dirty Martini. Harry Truman also enjoyed his Old Fashioned’s, drinking one with his wife before most dinners at the executive mansion. But they fell out of favor until Dick Whitman made them cool again.

This drink is part of our ongoing series of Prohibition Era Cocktail recipes. As well as our Drink Like a Character series.

It’s a good drink to play around with, you can muddle the fruit or go sans fruit, it’s still an old fashioned in my book. Roosevelt liked to put pineapples in his, Truman didn’t put any fruit in his. Whatever you decide, if you’re a whiskey fan this is a solid drink for your arsenal.

Yeah that’s a Sterling Cooper & Partners napkin, I’ve got a matching coffee mug.


  • 1 sugar cube
  • 1-2 dashes of Angostura bitters
  • 2 ounces Rye or Bourbon whiskey
  • Club Soda
  • Orange slice
  • Twist of a lemon peel (Optional, FDR’s recipe)
  • Piece of pineapple (Optional, FDR’s recipe)

I put the sugar cube in an old fashioned glass and put two dashes of bitters right on the cube and let it soak a bit. Add the orange slice and muddle that with the sugar and bitters. Then add an ice cube and whiskey and top off with a splash of club soda. Garnish with the fruit. Cheers.

Pairs nicely with the original Mad Man’s book Confessions of an Advertising Man by David Ogilvy.