Vintage Christmas Ads & An Eggnog Recipe

It’s 1964 and Sterling Cooper Draper Pryce is limping into ’65 in serious financial trouble. They want to have a laid back Christmas party, well they have to have a laid back party because the budget can’t account for anything else. But Roger Sterling finds out that the heir to the Lucky Strike throne, Lee Garner,… Continue reading Vintage Christmas Ads & An Eggnog Recipe

Drink Like A Character: The Don Draper Old Fashioned

It’s not called old for nothing, this is likely one of the earliest North American cocktails with it first being referenced in 1806 (that’s during Thomas Jefferson’s administration. That’s old). Aside from Don Draper, this was one of Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s favorite drinks, along with the Dirty Martini. Harry Truman also enjoyed his Old Fashioned’s,… Continue reading Drink Like A Character: The Don Draper Old Fashioned