Pulp Artists: Earl Norem — From Men’s Mags to Marvel

Earl Norem (1924 – 2015) is the bridge between men’s adventure magazines and comic book art. The guy painted for everything pop culture; men’s mags, comic books, pulp paperbacks, movie posters, toy packaging, and even programs for the New York Yankees.  He was born on April 17, 1923, in Brooklyn, New York. During World War… Continue reading Pulp Artists: Earl Norem — From Men’s Mags to Marvel

Men’s Adventure Quarterly and the New Pulp Renaissance

When we first started American Pulps, we were kicking around ideas for our zine. Like I’ve said in previous articles, we both knew we wanted to write pulp fiction, but we wanted to “niche down” a bit, with pulp fiction being a broad catchall genre.  We were at John’s house and he pulled out Bob… Continue reading Men’s Adventure Quarterly and the New Pulp Renaissance

March 2021 — American Pulps Reading List

It’s March, a month with a few birthdays to celebrate here at the Pulps. Matt’s birthday is in early March, John’s is later in the month, and one of American Pulps’s birthdays is March 5th. I say “one of,” because we re-branded as American Pulps on July 4, 2018, and consider the 4th as our… Continue reading March 2021 — American Pulps Reading List