
The Volstead Act January 17, 1920 that was the day the Volstead Act (the 18th Amendment) went into effect. Like ObamaCare, that wasn’t the official name of the National Prohibition Act. It was nicknamed after Andrew Volstead a Congressman from Minnesota who introduced the bill. I’m going through a few books and recreating some Prohibition… Continue reading Prohibition

Drink Like A Character: Gimlet Recipe, The Long Good-bye (1953)

AKA the Raymond Chandler Gimlet “We sat in a corner of the bar at Victor’s and drank gimlets. ‘They don’t know how to make them here,’ he said. ‘What they call a gimlet is just some lime or lemon juice and gin with a dash of sugar and bitters. A real gimlet is half gin… Continue reading Drink Like A Character: Gimlet Recipe, The Long Good-bye (1953)