February 2021 – American Pulps Reading List

We were going to start this last month, being January and all, but life got in the way. Anyway, we’re trying something new here at the Pulps, a monthly reading list. The first month went about as well as our “dry January” did, but hey, here’s February.  Gunshine State — Andrew Nette We’re big fans… Continue reading February 2021 – American Pulps Reading List

Other websites (and books) to check out

….if you like our shit.  We will be updating this as we go: Men’s Pulp Mags – Robert Deis aka Subtropic Bob With a lot of the pictures we post people ask us all the time, ‘where can I get this?’ Who is the artist? Etc, etc. Well the answer is usually you can get it on Bob’s website,… Continue reading Other websites (and books) to check out