….if you like our shit.
We will be updating this as we go:
Men’s Pulp Mags – Robert Deis aka Subtropic Bob
With a lot of the pictures we post people ask us all the time, ‘where can I get this?’ Who is the artist? Etc, etc. Well the answer is usually you can get it on Bob’s website, and he will know the artist.
I can’t say enough about how insightful Robert Deis (aka “SubtropicBob”) is. The man is the reason we know so much about the artists that we regularly post.
Do you like this?

Well he’s got a book with all of Pollen’s work:

And then he made another just about Pollen’s women.

You think pulp stories featuring Bigfoot are cool? Well he’s got a whole book on that.

You like the Men’s Mag art and stories about WWII battles? Check out A Handful of HELL which has a collection of stories by Robert F. Dorr.
There’s also of course, his books on Weasels Ripped My Flesh! and I Watched Them Eat Me Alive. If you know us, you know we love Weasels Ripped My Flesh.
Yes, Frank Zappa got inspiration from that title for his album. The art work is from an old Schick ad. Here’s a link to an article we wrote about that.
And if you don’t want books. If you live in a tiny apartment like me and you don’t have room (yet you still buy them if you’re really like me), he’s got this amazing website with digitized scans of the original magazines.
Here’s where you can find all his books on Amazon. (But if you can try to buy it at a local bookstore. Buy local, help out the small businesses. But if you have to, click on the links where we get a small commission for directing you to Amazon. Take some consolation in the fact that you’re helping this small business).
And here’s his website: menspulpmags.com
Pulp International
If we didn’t find it on menspulpmags.com we probably found it from pulpinternational.com. Pulp International is probably the closest to American Pulps in terms of it’s not one genre that they write about. They don’t just post paperback book covers or reviews from those books, they do, but they also post articles about pinups, vintage movies, and modern stuff. It’s a great website if you’re into what we post.
Glorious Trash
Joe Kenney at Glorious Trash loves pulp paperbacks and vintage sleaze and he writes reviews. Lots and lots of reviews of pulp paperbacks that he has found. His knowledge is extensive and as are the reviews. They’re very in depth. He’s kind of like a CliffsNotes for pulp novels.
Here’s a link to Glorious Trash.
Movies Silently
Fritzi Kramer at @MoviesSilently is a great Twitter follow. But more than that, she’s got some awesome articles about the Silent Film Era on her website.
She also makes recreations of recipes from a 1929 Photoplay cookbook. If you want to read about her trying to recreate Gary Cooper’s Chicken and Liver Timbales here it is.
Here’s one article that puts 5 films made before 1910 into the spotlight. She’s a prolific writer and has about a post a day, which is more than we can say about our website and we’re two people.
Pulp Covers
This is a great site to find all the Men’s Mag and Pulp Paperback covers in one spot. They post a ton of images a day – pulpcovers.com.
Grindhouse Cinema Database

Any type of exploitation or cult classic movie is catalogued on GCDb. It’s got all types of genre’s and subgenre’s you probably didn’t know existed, like nunsploitation movies. Here’s the link to their main page, just set some time aside because you can go down an internet rabbit hole with that site.
Lady Cult Blog
Clarissa at ladycultblog is awesome. She writes about R.L. Stein books, Ronald McDonalds best friend Grimace, and that time a guy who looked like Indiana Jones flashed his dong.
Her Instagrams (she has two) are full of retro nostalgia and very much worth a follow.
Pulp Curry
Andrew Nette is another kindred spirit of ours. He’s a writer of fiction as well as non-fiction and a pulp scholar. His non-fiction pulp scholarly books include, Girl Gangs, Biker Boys, and Real Cool Cats: Pulp Fiction and Youth Culture, 1950 to 1980 and Sticking It to the Man: Revolution and Counterculture in Pulp and Popular Fiction, 1950 to 1980 (which will be coming out in August 2019).

He also wrote a short story for The Obama Inheritance: Fifteen Stories of Conspiracy Noir which is a genius concept that I wish I thought of. His story in the collection is Sunburnt Country but that whole book is brilliant. Here’s the link to Pulp Curry.
Hey, folks! Thanks very much for the kind words about my books and website. I love your stuff, too! Cheers!